Friday 18 September 2009

Still Learning something new everyday

Thanks to Shimelle I'm still thinking hard about what's going on around me each day and learning something new everyday.
13th September: Chance encounters can yield friends for life.
This is Steve. Steve is 'my football friend'. It's how I've always described him. We met in 1998 in a nightclub on Tottenham Court Road. Steve took me to my first Charlton match and I was hooked. Because of that I started going to away matches and home matches alike and when Steve couldn't/wouldn't go I went on the supporters coach. On that coach I met a whole bunch of lovely people, some of whom I'm still in touch with. And when I came to buy my first house, it was in South East London near those friends. It's incredible to think that Steve had such an influence on my life. And although we don't go to all that many matches together anymore, I think we'll be friends for a while yet!

14th September: Even grown ups can feel like teenagers sometimes. I'm going to be secretive about this one, just for now ;)

15th September: Learning things by song seems to stick.

When I teach 'Rocks and Weathering' I teach the kids the rock cycle song, which is sung to the tune of 'row, row, row your boat'. I started the topic today with my new year 7s and by chance saw the pupils that I taught it to last year. I asked them to sing it to me- and they did, word for word after a year. It always amuses me int heend of topic test when you can hear them humming it to themselves as they find the answers tucked in their memories. Happy days.

16th September: Germans get out to chat to each other in a traffic jam. Even if it's raining.

I know that one of the stereotypes of the English is that we're standoffish and don't engage strangers in conversation but I never really thought that that was true of me. I'll quite happily chat to anyone about anything (hence my entry for the 13th). However, the Germans take it to another extreme and I can't quite see it taking off over here. If they get stuck in a traffic jam, they all get out and wander about chatting. How nice!!

17th September: I love wearing hats, and have the confidence to.

I've always liked hats but never been sure if they suited me. Now I don't really care. I think that if I enjoy something and it's not doing any harm to anyone, then I should do it. Life is too short :)

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